


The International Award of Young People in the Netherlands give participants of the Golden level the opportunity to do both their Adventurous and Residential Project at Windseeker. The mission of Windseeker is to give as many young people the experience of sailing on a Tall Ship that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. We strive to enhance nautical and personal skills and teach responsibility with a drive for sustainability following the Windseeker Dinghy and the Sail Training Program. 


Adventurous Project and Residential project

Windseeker offers the Golden Award participants the opportunity to combine the Adventerous Journey and the residential project:


Step on board Tall Ship Vega Gamleby in Sweden for two weeks and to discover its beautiful coastline and islands. You will be joined with young people from 5 different European countries and will not only learn how to sail a Tall Ship, but also take part in a sustainability program organised by By the Ocean We Unite. This journey is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.Click here for more info:


Die Expeditie was echt pittig! / Over haar Zilveren Expeditie: 'Alles waar ik tegenop zag viel mee en omgekeerd'. Voor haar zat de grootste uitdaging in de Expeditie, die zelfs de eerste keer werd uitgesteld.

Rachel Klaverboer Gouden Award houder

Over haar Zilveren Expeditie: 'Alles waar ik tegenop zag viel mee en omgekeerd'. Voor haar zat de grootste uitdaging in de Expeditie, die zelfs de eerste keer werd uitgesteld.

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